Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1/31/24

Year: 2024
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi

Middle East and Africa Research and Application Center (ORAFAM) is an international academic journal published by Mus Alparslan University. ORAFAM Journal is published in January and July each year. It aims to help the publication of original and qualified studies from different disciplines related to the Middle East and Africa.

ORAFAM Journal will accept original articles in Turkish, Arabic, English, Kurdish, Persian or Russian by researchers working in history, sociology, philosophy, literature, language, religion, international relations, political science, public administration, art and other related fields.

Author Guidelines
- The publication language of the journal is Turkish, English, Arabic, Russian, Kurdish or Persian.
- Articles should be prepared in MS Word 2007 or higher.
- Page layout A4 size Top Margin 2.5 cm, Bottom Margin 2.5 cm, Left Margin 2.5 and Right Margin should be 2.5 cm.
- The text should be in Times New Roman format, 11 points, 1.5 line spacing, 6 pt. paragraph spacing. Heading indents should be arranged as Left: 0.5-Hanging: 0.5.
- Footnotes and block quotations of more than three lines should be written in 10 points. Block citations should be indented one cm from the right and left, and should be written in 6nk before and after. Block quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks.
- The name of the author, surname, corporate title, and the name of the institution, e-mail address and ORCID number should be included in the article. If there is more than one author, the relevant information of all authors should be added and the corresponding author should also be indicated in the articles. This information will be added to the articles after the referee process is completed.
- The articles to be sent to ORAFAM Journal should include a Turkish/English Abstract of 150-200 words. Abstract should be descriptive of the subject. There should be integrity between Turkish and English abstracts. A summary of the language of the articles written in languages other than Turkish and English should also be included in the article.
- Keywords consisting of at least five words should be included under the Abstract. These keywords should be inclusive and compatible with the article content.
- The article title should be chosen to be compatible with all the content. The title should be in bold and 12 point size.
- Articles should consist of introduction, sub-titles and conclusions. Subheadings should be written in 11 points and bold.
- The aim, importance, framework, methods and techniques of the subject should be included in the introduction part of the articles.
- The conclusion part of the articles should be compatible with the data in the introduction and sub-headings. In this section, data that will repeat the introduction and main text should be avoided.
- If tables and figures are to be used in the articles, they must be numbered. Tables and figures covering more than half of the page should be placed at the end of the article as an "APPENDIX". Source information should be placed under the tables and figures.
- In the papers presented in symposiums or congresses and articles produced from graduate theses, the relevant symposium/congress or thesis information should be placed at the bottom of the first page in the section where the author information will be given.
- If the articles are prepared with any project or support, project/support information should be included.
- Grammar rules should be followed in the articles.
- Articles will be uploaded to the Turnitin plagiarism program by the editors. The maximum similarity rate should be 20%. Authors should definitely check the similarity rate of their work within this rate before uploading their articles to the journal system.
- The method to be used in citing references is the Chicago Footnote System. Example usages are as follows.

Book with one author

Footnote: Author's first name, last name, Book Title, City of Publication: Publisher, Year, pages numbers.
a) İlber Ortaylı, Tanzimat Devrinde Osmanlı Mahalli İdareleri (1840-1880), Ankara: TTK Yayınları, 2020, s. 45.
b) Ortaylı, Tanzimat Devrinde Osmanlı, p. 56. (Citing the same work multiple times)

Bibliography: Author's last name, first name, Book Title, City of Publication: Publisher, Year.

a) Ortaylı, İlber. Tanzimat Devrinde Osmanlı Mahalli İdareleri (1840-1880). Ankara: TTK Yayınları, 2020.

Book with two authors


a) Ahmet Kemal and Sevda Yılmaz, Tarihsel Sosyolojinin Kökenleri Üzerine Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Merkez Yayınları, 2003, p. 16.
b) Ahmet Kemal and Sevda Yılmaz, Tarihsel Sosyoloji, p. 34.


a) Kemal, Ahmet and Yılmaz, Sevda. Tarihsel Sosyolojinin Kökenleri Üzerine Araştırmalar. İstanbul: Merkez Yayınları, 2003.

Edited volume


a) Ahmet Mithat, Menfa, ed. Handan İnci, İstanbul: Arma Yayınları, 2002, p. 15.
b) Ahmet Mithat, Menfa, p. 43.
c) Edward Hallett Carr, Tarih Nedir?, trans., Gizem Gürtürk, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2018, p. 24.
d) Edward Hallett Carr, Tarih Nedir?, p. 34.


a) Ahmet Mithat. Menfa. ed., Handan İnci. İstanbul: Arma Yayınları, 2002.

b) Edward Hallett Carr. Tarih Nedir?. trans., Gizem Gürtürk. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2018.

Book chapter in an edited work


a) Şerif Mardin, “Tanzimat Fermanı’nın Manası: Yeni Bir İzah Denemesi”, Tanzimat Değişim Sürecinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, ed., Halil İnalcık and Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu, İstanbul: Türkiye İşbankası Kültür Yayınları, 2020, p. 146.
b) Şerif Mardin, “Tanzimat Fermanı”, p. 152.

a) Mardin, Şerif. “Tanzimat Fermanı’nın Manası: Yeni Bir İzah Denemesi”, Tanzimat Değişim Sürecinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu. Ed., Halil İnalcık and Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu. İstanbul: Türkiye İşbankası Kültür Yayınları, 2020: 145-168.

Journal article

a) Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu, “Yerel Yönetim Metinleri XVIII: Men’-i Harik Hakkında Nizamname ve Düşündürdükleri”, Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 8/3 (1999), p. 169.
b) Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu, “Yerel Yönetim Metinleri XVIII”, p. 173.

a) Seyitdanlıoğlu, Mehmet. “Yerel Yönetim Metinleri XVIII: Men’-i Harik Hakkında Nizamname ve Düşündürdükleri”. Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler. 8/3 (1999): 168:172.

Encyclopedia Article

a) Halil İnalcık, “Osmanlılarda Cizye”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, c. 8 (Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 1993), p. 46.

a) İnalcık, Halil. “Osmanlılarda Cizye”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 8: 45-48. Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 1993.


a) Yasemin Avcı, “Kudüs 1890-1914”, PhD diss., Hacettepe University, 2004, s. 134.
b) Yasemin Avcı, “Kudüs”, s. 145.


a) Avcı, Yasemin. “Kudüs 1890-1914”. PhD diss., Hacettepe University, 2004.

Archival Document


a) Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, BOA. DH.MKT. 156/54, 1 Ca 1295 (3 May 1878).
(Hijri month names will be given by shortening according to the relevant nickname.)

b) It is sufficient to write only (BOA.) in the following footnotes.

BOA. ŞD. 67/89, 1 Za 1306 (29 June 1889).


a) DH.MKT. 156/54; DH.TMIK.S. 345/65; ŞD. 67/89. (In an alphabetical order)

Ottoman Period Periodicals

a) Ahmed Midhat, “Bibliografya”, Ma’lumat, I/38, 15 M 1302 (4 October 1884), s. 197.
b) Works with no Author
“Mevadd-ı Tıbbiye: Verem”, Maarif, 2, 29 M 1309 (4 September 1891), s. 26.

a) Ahmed Midhat. “Bibliografya”. Ma’lumat. I/38, 15 M 1302 (4 October 1884): 197-198.
b) Works with no Author
“Mevadd-ı Tıbbiye: Verem”. Maarif. 2, 29 M 1309 (4 September 1891): 26-27.




Scientific Research Ethics
• Scientific methods are used in obtaining, analyzing, interpreting and reaching results. Non-scientific results cannot be shown as research results.
• While continuing the research, it is necessary to adhere to national and international agreements and to obtain permission from the competent authorities.
• The data obtained in the studies should be used to the extent and in the manner permitted by the authorities. It should be essential that the data that should not be presented be kept confidential.
• Researchers are obliged to inform the relevant persons and institutions about the negative situations that may occur as a result of the research. Every researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to these negative situations that may occur.

Publication Ethics
• Persons who do not contribute to the study during scientific research and writing should not be cited as authors.
• Author(s) should avoid situations such as irresponsible authorship, piracy, multi-publishing, split-posting, biased source, biased publication, violation of human-animal ethics, which are stated as unethical behaviors.
• The author(s) should act in accordance with the citation system specified in the journal during the writing phase of the candidate article.
• Unpublished or unpublished works should not be cited as a source.
All or part of any work cannot be published without permission or without reference (plagiarism).
• The author(s) should indicate the financial sources of the study, if any.

Referee Ethics
• The candidate must be experts in the fields addressed by the article.
• Responsible for making his/her criticisms objectively and clearly. He/She should not act in line with his/her own personal interests/opinions, and should not agree to act as an arbitrator if necessary.
• Considering that the texts are personal in the arbitration process, they should not be shared with third parties.
• The candidate in the refereeing process should not transfer information from the article for their own studies, and should not pursue any academic/personal interests.
• Candidates for rejection should provide clear and detailed justifications for the articles.
• It should also consider the scientific research and publication ethics rules of the journal.

Editorial Ethics
• The candidate is obliged to appoint at least two referees suitable for the subject of the article.
• It should ensure the communication between the referee(s) and the corresponding author, taking into account the blind review process.
• It should maintain its relations in a transparent and objective manner without discriminating between any authors and referees.
• They should not use their current position for their own personal and academic interests.
• Candidates for rejection should provide clear and detailed justifications for the articles.
• It should also consider scientific research, publication and referee ethics.


Evaluation process
• Manuscripts sent to ORAFAM Journal are primarily examined in terms of form. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication and writing principles are returned to the author for necessary corrections without being subjected to content review.
• The articles to be published in the ORAFAM Journal must first be original and academic studies prepared using research methods suitable for their field. Studies submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. Submissions to our journal are scanned with the Turnitin plagiarism detection program. Manuscripts with plagiarism are rejected without being included in the referee process.
• Manuscripts submitted for publication to ORAFAM Journal are sent to expert referees determined by the editorial board after preliminary examination. It is decided to publish the article with at least two positive referee reports. If two referees express a negative opinion, the article will not be published. When there are positive and negative referee reports for the same article, the article is either rejected by the editor or a decision of acceptance or rejection is given, supported by another referee's report.
• In the studies submitted to ORAFAM Journal, the authors take into account the criticisms and suggestions of the referee and the Editorial Board. If there are issues that they do not agree with, they have the right to object together with their reasons. The authors must make the corrections requested by the editor or the referees within three weeks at the latest. Studies that are not corrected within this period are returned to the author.
• The pre-evaluation phase of ORAFAM Journal, which consists of reviewing the referee evaluation process, editor-in-chief, field editor, language editor, is 1 month; the referee evaluation process is 5 months. However, due to the lack of timely return from the referees, re-appointment of referees etc. For reasons, the referee evaluation process may take longer.
• In ORAFAM Journal, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Literature, Language, Religion, International Relations, Public Administration, Political Science and Art etc. related to the Middle East and Africa. Original and qualified scientific studies of all social sciences are included.
• The work to be submitted to the ORAFAM Journal should be an original article that fills a gap in its field, or it should be a review that evaluates previously published studies and presents new and remarkable views on the subject.
• Manuscripts to be sent to ORAFAM Journal should be in the type of article, translation and book promotion. For the translated articles sent to our journal, the publication permission of the article owner and the original text are required.
• The publication language of ORAFAM Journal is Turkish, English, Arabic, Russian, Kurdish or Persian.
• Studies submitted to the ORAFAM Journal must not have been published anywhere before and not currently submitted for publication. Papers presented at a scientific meeting can be sent to the journal, provided that the situation is clearly stated.
ORAFAM Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (January, July).
• No copyright is paid for the articles sent to ORAFAM Journal. The copyright of the published articles belongs to the journal.
• Scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in ORAFAM Journal belongs to the authors.
• The views and opinions in the articles in ORAFAM Journal are the personal views of the authors and do not reflect the views of the journal and its affiliated institutions.
• Studies submitted to ORAFAM Journal are sent electronically via TUBITAK ULAKBIM’s DergiPark System (UDS). This system can be accessed from the "User Page/New Post" link at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/orafam after registering to the system and submitting the article, the developments related to the referee process and the referee evaluation reports can be easily followed by the authors.

No fee is charged from either the author or the reader at any stage of our journal.